CROI 2022

The Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) took place from 12 to 16 February. CROI 2022 was held virtually this year due to coronavirus.
CROI 2022


CROI 2022: HIV remission after transplant

17 February 2022

At CROI 2022, Professor Yvonne Bryson from the University of California Los Angeles talks about the woman in New York who has no detectable HIV 14 months after stopping antiretroviral therapy following a stem-cell transplant for leukaemia.

CROI 2022: Antibody treatment for children

17 February 2022

Dr Roger Shapiro from Harvard University talks about antibody treatment for children with HIV and could it be used instead of pills at CROI 2022.

CROI 2022: Anal cancer

18 February 2022

At CROI 2022, Professor Joel Palefsky from the University of California San Francisco talks about the ANCHOR trial, which has showed that screening and early treatment reduces anal cancer in people with HIV.

Conference bulletins


CROI 2022: New York woman free of HIV 14 months after stem cell transplant, Wednesday 16 February 2022

CROI 2022: Hepatitis C declining in people with HIV as access to treatment broadens, Thursday 17 February 2022

CROI 2022: Screening and early treatment reduce anal cancer in people with HIV, Friday 18 February 2022

CROI 2022: More evidence to support recycling tenofovir in second-line treatment, Wednesday 23 February 2022


CROI 2022: Une New-Yorkaise est en rémission de VIH, 14 mois après une greffe de cellules souches, Mercredi 16 février 2022

CROI 2022: L’hépatite C recule chez les personnes séropositives avec l’élargissement de l’accès au traitement, Jeudi 17 février 2022

CROI 2022: Le dépistage et le traitement précoce réduisent les risques de cancer du canal anal chez les personnes séropositives, Vendredi 18 février 2022

CROI 2022: Des données supplémentaires justifient le recyclage du ténofovir en traitement de deuxième intention, Mercredi 23 février 2022


CROI 2022: Una mujer de Nueva York, libre del VIH catorce meses después de un trasplante de células madre, Miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2022

CROI 2022: Descenso de los casos de hepatitis C en personas con el VIH al aumentar el acceso al tratamiento, Jueves, 17 de febrero de 2022

CROI 2022: El cribado y el tratamiento precoz reducen las tasas de cáncer anal en personas con el VIH, Viernes, 18 de febrero de 2022

CROI 2022: Más pruebas que respaldan la reutilización de tenofovir en tratamientos de segunda línea, Miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2022


CROI 2022: Mulher em Nova Iorque sem VIH 14 meses após transplante de células estaminais, Quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2022

CROI 2022: Hepatite C diminui nas pessoas com VIH à medida que o acesso ao tratamento aumenta, Quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2022

CROI 2022: Rastreio e tratamento precoce reduzem cancro anal em pessoas com VIH, Sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2022

CROI 2022: Mais evidências apoiam a reutilização do tenofovir no tratamento de segunda linha, Quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2022


CROI 2022: La ‘paziente di New York’, in remissione dall’HIV a 14 mesi dal trapianto di staminali, Mercoledì 16 febbraio 2022

CROI 2022: Epatite C in calo tra le persone HIV+ grazie all’aumentato accesso alle terapie, Notizie da CROI 2022

CROI 2022: Screening e trattamento precoce per ridurre il cancro anale nelle persone HIV-positive, Venerdì 18 febbraio 2022

CROI 2022: Ulteriori evidenze a favore del reimpiego del tenofovir nel trattamento di seconda linea, Mercoledì 23 febbraio 2022


КРОИ 2022: Жительница Нью-Йорка свободна от ВИЧ-инфекции после трансплантации стволовых клеток и через 14 месяцев после прекращения ВААРТ, Среда, 16 февраля 2022 г.

КРОИ 2022: Заболеваемость вирусным гепатитом С снижается среди ВИЧ-инфицированных лиц благодаря расширению доступа к терапии, Четверг, 17 февраля 2022 г.

КРОИ 2022: Скрининг и своевременная терапия предраковых изменений снижает уровень анального рака у ВИЧ-инфицированных лиц, Пятница, 18 февраля 2022 г.

КРОИ 2022: Больше данных в поддержку реутилизации тенофовира в схемах второго выбора, Среда, 23 февраля 2022 г.