Growth hormone reduces abdominal fat, stabilizes limb fat loss

This article is more than 22 years old.

Human growth hormone, already an experimental treatment for central fat accumulation in lipodystrophy, may not have such a negative effect on peripheral fat levels in the arms and legs as previously believed, according to the results of a study carried out at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London. The results were presented earlier this week at the 42nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy in Sna Diego.

Twelve HIV positive individuals with clinical lipoatrophy (based on case definition criteria) with stable weight on stable HAART (nine on NNRTI-containing regimens and three on protease inhibitors; 83% with viral load 450 cells/mm3 received 4mg/day rhGH (Serostim) for 12 weeks followed by randomised dosing of either placebo, alternate-day dosing, or twice-per week dosing for 12 weeks.

Improvements in lipoatrophy were assessed by using a visual analogue scale, as well as DEXA and CT scans. All groups reported improvements in facial (from mean 6 at week 12), arm and leg appearance after the 12 week full dose phase, with a partial loss of benefit reported after participants switched to the reduced dosing phase. However DEXA measurements of peripheral fat at week 12 showed no change in the arms or legs.



A pill or liquid which looks and tastes exactly like a real drug, but contains no active substance.


Loss of body fat from specific areas of the body, especially from the face, arms, legs, and buttocks.


A chemical messenger which stimulates or suppresses cell and tissue activity. Hormones control most bodily functions, from simple basic needs like hunger to complex systems like reproduction, and even the emotions and mood.

dual energy x-ray absorptiometry scan (DXA or DEXA)

A test that uses low-dose x-rays to measure bone mineral density, including calcium content, in a section of bone. They are used to detect osteoporosis and predict the risk of bone fracture. 


Pertaining to the internal organs. Visceral fat is fat tissue that is located deep in the abdomen and around internal organs.


Trunk fat fell significantly during the full dose phase, and the reduction was maintained in individuals switched to lower doses. However, visceral fat deposits were restored in those who received the placebo, and peripheral fat levels also rose in the placebo group during the reduced dose phase (weeks 12-48).

Fat free mass increased by a mean of 4.7kg in the first 12 weeks but subsequently fell back to baseline levels in the twice per week and placebo groups after week 12, suggesting that the muscle- building effects of human growth hormone are only sustained if it is taken at least every other day.


Moyle G et al. Growth hormone improves appearance and lean mass in lipoatrophic patients and these benefits are maintained with alternate day dosing. 42nd ICAAC, San Diego, abstract H-1935, 2002.