IAS 2023

The 12th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2023) was held in Brisbane, Australia, and virtually, from 23 to 26 July. NAM aidsmap was an official scientific media partner for IAS 2023.


IAS 2023: HIV remission after a stem cell transplant

25 July 2023

At IAS 2023, Dr Asier Sáez-Cirión from the Institut Pasteur spoke to NAM aidsmap's Roger Pebody about HIV remission after a stem cell transplant. 

IAS 2023: HIV viral load that is “suppressed but not undetectable”

25 July 2023

At IAS 2023, Dr Lara Vojnov from the World Health Organization (WHO) spoke to NAM aidsmap's Roger Pebody about viral load measurements and their relevance to transmission and WHO's statement on undetectable viral load.

IAS 2023: Experiences of mpox

27 July 2023

At IAS 2023, Dr Anthony Smith from the University of New South Wales spoke to NAM aidsmap's Krishen Samuel about the impact of mpox. 

IAS 2023: Statins for people living with HIV

26 July 2023

At IAS 2023, Professor Steven Grinspoon from Harvard Medical School spoke to NAM aidsmap's Roger Pebody about the use of statins in people living with HIV.

IAS 2023: Antiretrovirals and high blood pressure

26 July 2023

At IAS 2023, Professor Francois Venter from Ezintsha, Johannesburg, spoke to NAM aidsmap's Roger Pebody about antiretrovirals and high blood pressure.

IAS 2023: Adherence counselling after viral load rebound

1 August 2023

At IAS 2023, Dr Andrew Hill from the University of Liverpool talks to NAM aidsmap's Roger Pebody about adherence counselling reversing viral rebound on dolutegravir.

IAS 2023: Key population services after Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act

1 August 2023

At IAS 2023, aidsmap's Krishen Samuel spoke to the US Ambassador to Uganda, Natalie Brown, and Dr Vamsi Vasireddy, who leads PEPFAR programmes in Uganda, about services for key populations in Uganda following the Anti-Homosexuality Act.

IAS 2023: Coercive reproductive healthcare practices reported by women with HIV

4 August 2023

At IAS 2023, Immaculate Owomugisha from the International Community of Women Living with HIV and Dr Carrie Lyons from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health spoke to NAM aidsmap's Krishen Samuel about coercive reproductive healthcare practices reported by women with HIV. 

Conference bulletins


IAS 2023: Possible HIV cure following stem cell transplant, Monday 24 July 2023

IAS 2023 – South Africa: dropping out of HIV care is deadly, Tuesday 25 July 2023

IAS 2023: Implementing REPRIEVE findings in the real world, Wednesday 26 July 2023

IAS 2023: Gay men’s experiences of mpox, Thursday 27 July 2023

IAS 2023: Key population services after Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act, Tuesday 1 August 2023


IAS 2023: Posible curación del VIH tras un trasplante de células madre, lunes 24 de julio de 2023

IAS 2023 – Sudáfrica: abandonar la atención del VIH resulta mortal, martes 25 de julio de 2023

IAS 2023: La implementación de los hallazgos de REPRIEVE en entornos reales, miércoles 26 de julio de 2023

IAS 2023: Experiencias de los hombres gais con mpox, jueves 27 de julio de 2023

IAS 2023: Servicios a la población clave tras la ley anti-homosexualidad de Uganda, martes 1 de agosto de 2023


IAS 2023 : Guérison probable du VIH après une greffe de cellules souches, lundi 24 juillet 2023

IAS 2023 - Afrique du Sud : La rupture des soins contre le VIH se montre fatale, mardi 25 juillet 2023

IAS 2023: L’application des résultats de REPRIEVE dans la pratique, mercredi 26 juillet 2023

IAS 2023 : L'expérience des hommes gays face au mpox, jeudi 27 juillet 2023

IAS 2023 : Les services dédiés aux population clés après la loi anti-homosexualité en Ouganda, Mardi 1er aout 2023


IAS 2023: Possível cura do VIH após transplante de células estaminais, segunda-feira, 24 de julho de 2023

IAS 2023 - África do Sul: abandonar o tratamento do VIH é mortal, Terça-feira, 25 de julho de 2023

IAS 2023: Implementação dos resultados do REPRIEVE no mundo real, quarta-feira, 26 de julho de 2023

IAS 2023: Experiências de homens gays com Mpox, Quinta-feira 27 de julho de 2023

IAS 2023: Serviços essenciais à população depois da lei anti-homossexualidade do Uganda, terça-feira, 1 de agosto de 2023


IAS 2023: Nuovo caso di possibile remissione dall'HIV dopo trapianto di staminali, lunedì 24 luglio 2023

IAS 2023 – Sudafrica: interrompere le cure per l'HIV può essere mortale, martedì 25 luglio 2023

IAS 2023: Tradurre in pratica i risultati di REPRIEVE nel mondo reale, mercoledì 26 luglio 2023

IAS 2023: Esperienze di maschi omosessuali con l'mpox, giovedì 27 luglio 2023

IAS 2023: I servizi per le popolazioni chiave in Uganda dopo la legge anti-omosessualità, martedì 1° agosto 2023


Конференция Международного СПИД Сообщества 2023: Первый случай излечения ВИЧ-инфекции при трансплантации стволовых клеток без мутации. Понедельник, 24 июля 2023 года

Конференция IAS 2023: Южная Африка - выход из-под наблюдения и прерывание терапии стоит жизни, Вторник, 25 июля 2023 года

Конференция Международного СПИД Сообщества 2023: Перевод результатов исследования REPRIEVE на практику, Среда, 26 июля 2023 года

Конференция Международного СПИД Сообщества 2023: Опыт мужчин-геев, перенесших МPOX (обезьянья оспа) Четверг, 27 июля 2023 года

Конференция Международного СПИД Сообщества 2023: ВИЧ-услуги для ключевых групп населения после принятия в Уганде Закона о борьбе с гомосексуализмом, Вторник, 1 августа 2023 года