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Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks, About HIV Topic: People who inject drugs

News and information about HIV in injecting drug users. The criminalisation of drug use and the marginalisation of drug users contribute to vulnerability to HIV.

Why heroin has made a comeback in America

Editor's pick
The Economist
24 November 2014

Practical steps to eliminating hepatitis C: a consensus for London

Editor's pick
London Joint Working Group on Substance Use and Hepatitis C
17 November 2014

Addiction services in England: in need of an intervention

Editor's pick
The Lancet Psychiatry
10 November 2014

Half of people with hepatitis C unaware

Editor's pick
Public Health England press release
5 November 2014

Tips for supplying foil

Editor's pick
Injecting Advice
9 September 2014

Experts Say Russia Not Ready to Fight HIV

Editor's pick
The Moscow Times
20 August 2014