NAM publishes guide to resistance for people with HIV

This article is more than 23 years old.

Resistance is the latest addition to NAM’s treatment information series for positive people. It is a plain English guide to drug resistance – a major cause of anti-HIV treatment failure.

Written by NAM's Treatments Team, with the support of our expert Medical Advisory Panel, this new resource covers latest thinking on these issues:

  • What is drug resistance?

  • How does it occur?

  • What are the implications for people’s health & treatments?

  • How can you limit the risk of resistance developing?


drug resistance

A drug-resistant HIV strain is one which is less susceptible to the effects of one or more anti-HIV drugs because of an accumulation of HIV mutations in its genotype. Resistance can be the result of a poor adherence to treatment or of transmission of an already resistant virus.

combination therapy

A therapy composed of several drugs available either as separate tablets, or as fixed-dose combination (FDC).

treatment failure

Inability of a medical therapy to achieve the desired results. 

The booklet also profiles new tests for drug resistance widely expected to become part of routine HIV care over the coming year.

Resistance is essential reading for anyone who is HIV-positive and taking, or thinking about starting anti-HIV treatments. According to the largest ever survey of people with HIV in the UK, understanding drug resistance has a key role in promoting treatment adherence:

"More of those who did not know about the link between adherence and viral resistance missed doses than those who did know this." (Taking Heart? The impact of combination therapy on the lives of people with HIV. Anderson & Weatherburn, Sigma Research, London, 1999.)

People personally affected by HIV can obtain a free copy (plus copies of the other booklets in the series on Viral Load, Nutrition, Clinical Trials and Anti-HIV Drugs) from NAM. Call 0171 627 3200, email:, or write to NAM Publications at Freepost LON277, London SW4 7YY. Organisations can purchase copies for clients and staff at 50 pence per copy. Send a cheque payable to ‘NAM Publications’ to the address above, or contact to arrange credit card payment.