They did it!

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The sun was blazing, the crowds were out and among the thousands of runners were Janey and Craig – our two fantastic runners, who were putting themselves through the 26.2 miles to raise money for NAM.

A HUGE congratulations to them both! They both completed the whole marathon and were absolutely brilliant, even managing to muster a smile and a wave when they spotted us screaming, waving banners and cheering from the sidelines! We are so grateful and so proud of them both, they were amazing! To help them bring in that extra bit of cash and reach their final targets, you can donate at Janey’s page or Craig’s page.

Running the marathon is not just about taking part in a sporting event and getting a shiny medal at the finishing line. It’s about real people making real changes. By raising money for NAM, Janey and Craig help us continue to provide services that people living with HIV rely on to keep them informed, up to date and in the best position possible to manage their HIV diagnosis and take care of their health. 

Congratulations Janey and Craig, and thank you for making NAM's first ever marathon such a success!