Man who 'probably knew' he was HIV-positive jailed in England after infecting sexual partner

This article is more than 20 years old.

Another HIV-positive man has been jailed in the UK for infecting a sexual partner with HIV.

Late last year, a man was jailed for eight years after infecting two women with HIV and being convicted of grievous bodily harm, and other cases are pending.

In the current case, a 40-year-old South African man was convicted of grievous bodily harm after he infected a 48-year-old women with HIV. The court was told that when he started a sexual relationship with this woman he knew in all probability that he was HIV-positive. The man pleaded guilty to the offence.

Passing a sentence of six years imprisonment Judge David Lynch said: “You pleaded guilty on the basis that you were reckless and did not intend to inflict harm. It is recklessness of the highest possible degree", adding, “I cannot imagine a greater degree of grievous bodily harm than infecting a person with a virus of this nature."

The man was also pleaded guilty to bigamy and had earlier been found guilty of over 20 charges of deception.

On release from prison, his deportation to South Africa has been ordered.

Further information on this website

HIV-posiitve rapist gets 10 years and has deportation ordered - news story

Man gets eight years in jail after infecting two women with HIV - news story

Second English HIV prosecution sets alarm bells ringing - news story

The November 2003 edition of AIDS Treatment Update included a major article on the law on HIV transmission and will be on-line shortly.