Showing 389 results

Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks Topic: Condoms & lubricant

Male and female condoms provide excellent protection against HIV and most other sexually transmitted infections. Lubricants can be used to increase comfort and make breakages less likely.

Next Generation Condoms - Bill Gates Foundation Awarding $100k Grants

Editor's pick
HIV / AIDS News From Medical News Today
24 March 2013

Reinventing The Condom - modernizing a life-saving tool

Editor's pick
Impatient Optimists
21 March 2013

Analysis: Condoms continue to confound Uganda

Editor's pick
IRIN PlusNews
1 March 2013

Gays can't have sex

Editor's pick
22 February 2013

Lack of “lube” hurts HIV prevention

Editor's pick
IRIN Plus News
21 February 2013

Saving Safe Sex: An Interview With Richard Berkowitz

Editor's pick
Huffington Post (blog)
19 February 2013

Fall in condom use behind HIV rise

Editor's pick
BBC Health
18 February 2013

IRMA Issues Global Call to Action: We Demand Answers on Lubricant Safety

Editor's pick
International Rectal Microbicide Advocates (IRMA)
15 February 2013

The blame game that is taking Uganda back to ABC

Editor's pick
Key Correspondents
6 February 2013

Lube is Slippery, but is it Safe?

Editor's pick
AIDS Foundation of Chicago
21 January 2013

New warnings over a rise in counterfeit condoms

Editor's pick
BBC Newsbeat
10 January 2013

Introducing the GLAM Toolkit: Advocacy to improve lubricant access in Africa

Editor's pick
International Rectal Microbicides Advocates
17 December 2012

Electrically spun fabric offers dual defense against pregnancy, HIV

Editor's pick
University of Washington press release
10 December 2012