Showing 389 results

Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks Topic: Condoms & lubricant

Male and female condoms provide excellent protection against HIV and most other sexually transmitted infections. Lubricants can be used to increase comfort and make breakages less likely.

Prostitutes Push for N.Y. Law Banning Condoms as Evidence

Editor's pick
San Francisco Chronicle
17 April 2012

DC female condom program prevents HIV infections

Editor's pick
Washington Post
26 March 2012

China Mandates Condoms in 95% of Hotels by 2015

Editor's pick
Poz magazine news
1 March 2012

Femidoms still a taboo

Editor's pick
Health e-News
15 February 2012

HIV rate way down thanks to condoms

Editor's pick
Times of South Africa
14 February 2012

Thailand - 60 million free condoms to flood nation

Editor's pick
Bangkok Post
14 February 2012

Zimbabwe: Female Condom Use Remains Low

Editor's pick
28 December 2011

In Combatting AIDS, Beware Methods That Depend on Human Discipline

Editor's pick
Bloomberg (editorial)
14 December 2011

Condom campaign for Africa launches at ICASA 2011

Editor's pick
Key Correspondents
8 December 2011

Italian broadcaster RAI Bans “Condom” on AIDS Day

Editor's pick
Corriere Della Sera
5 December 2011

LATIN AMERICA: Female Condoms in Short Supply

Editor's pick
Inter Press Service
30 November 2011

Can a Faster Condom Help Prevent HIV?

Editor's pick
Good Lifestyle
21 November 2011