King's College Hospital

Caldecot Centre, Department of Sexual Health & HIV

Specialist services for newly diagnosed HIV patients; HIV treatment and follow-up; specialist pharmacy; advice and support on welfare issue.
Rainbow Clinic, an evening clinic for MSM offering HIV testing, hepatitis vaccinations, full sexual health check-ups and counselling. You do not require a referral to attend. Please contact the Caldecot Centre to make an appointment.
Specialist clinics for complex, recurrent or persistent genital problems, such as genital dermatoses, prostatitis, herpes simplex virus, human papilloma virus, post-exposure prophylaxis, syphilis.
PrEP access through Impact trial.
Specialist and complex contraceptive problems.
Psychosexual service for women and men which provides physical and psychological help for sexual and relationship problems, such as lack of libido, vaginismus, erectile difficulties and premature ejaculation.

020 3299 5000
Ground floor, Caldecot Centre
15-22 Caldecot Road