Showing 2,026 news articles about PrEP

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Pre-exposure prophylaxis involves people who do not have HIV taking antiretroviral drugs when they are at risk of exposure to HIV in order to prevent infection. The drugs are usually taken as pills (oral PrEP).

Some MSM Groups Not Benefitting From PrEP

Editor's pick
Infectious Disease Special Edition (requires free registration)
8 June 2018

Teens Can Now Get HIV Drug… Will They Use It?

Editor's pick
30 May 2018

Botswana: PrEP offers sex worker freedom of choice

Editor's pick
The Midweek Sun
5 May 2018

My PrEP story: Phil (part 2)

Editor's pick
27 April 2018

Has Anyone Gotten HIV When They Were on PrEP?

Editor's pick
The Body
22 April 2018