Showing 4,896 news articles about Social & legal issues

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Social, economic, legal and political issues that may affect the lives of people living with HIV, including stigma, discrimination, criminalisation, travel and insurance.

CHLP Launches Expanded HIV Policy Resource Bank for People Living with HIV and their Advocates

Editor's pick
Center for HIV Law and Policy press release
23 October 2013

The Beautiful Sadness of “Dallas Buyers Club”

Editor's pick
My Fabulous Disease (blog)
23 October 2013

'Swedish law must shed its HIV prejudice'

Editor's pick
22 October 2013

Why is it radical to be open about your HIV status?

Editor's pick
My Fabulous Disease
19 October 2013

What if Ryan White Had Been Black?

Editor's pick
The Body
17 October 2013

HIV activism is a state of mind

Editor's pick
Speaking Up! (blog)
10 October 2013

ACT UP 'Die-In' at New York Public Library AIDS Exhibit

Editor's pick
Poz magazine news
10 October 2013