Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


Services offered:
At the Hub in King's Mill Hospital: On-going HIV out-patient care for HIV positive individuals, with full access to free anti-retroviral therapy and monitoring tests. Review and follow up for individuals who are considered for, or who have received, HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). PrEP access through Impact trial.

In other venues: Screening and testing for HIV infection; Screening and testing for hepatitis B and C, if indicated, and provision of hepatitis B vaccination if necessary; Examination to screen/test for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including syphilis, with free treatment and management if an infection is detected; Support with partner notification if testing and treatment of someone’s sexual partner is required; Health promotion to foster improved sexual health; Assessment for, and provision of, psychosexual counselling; advice for women; Mini Screen for Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Eastwood Centre, Newark Hospital
Boundary Road
NG24 4DE