The Alexander Pringle Centre

We provide outpatient and inpatient care, including antiretroviral therapy, specialist advice and multi-disciplinary care. Specialist arrangements are in place for patients with HIV and tuberculosis, malignancies, renal failure and pregnant women.

Our outpatient department is staffed with two clinical nurse specialists, two clinic nurses, a dedicated phlebotomist and a team of support staff.

We provide specialist HIV nursing and midwifery care; we work closely with partners in social care and the voluntary sector; we have a dedicated young adult clinic; we have psychologists and a peer mentoring service.

Patients can access clinical research trials.

Our HIV pharmacy team provides treatment clinics for patients who are starting antiretrovirals and those requiring more support.

0208 887 3236
The trust headquarters building
North Middlesex Hospital
Sterling Way
N18 1QX