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Filters Content type: News, Editors' picks Topic: HIV & criminal law

Some countries have used the criminal law to prosecute people living with HIV who have – or are believed to have – put others at risk of acquiring HIV. Some countries’ laws criminalise people who do not disclose their HIV status to sexual partners as well as actual cases of HIV transmission.   

Matthew Weait on the Greek brothel arrests

Editor's pick
The Times That Belong To Us
3 May 2012

Greece arrests 17 HIV-positive women in brothels

Editor's pick
The Associated Press
3 May 2012

Norway: Prosecuted gay man goes public, makes a real difference

Editor's pick
Criminal HIV Transmission
27 April 2012

HIV Criminalization Law Proposed in Bahrain

Editor's pick
Poz magazine news
25 April 2012

Prostitutes Push for N.Y. Law Banning Condoms as Evidence

Editor's pick
San Francisco Chronicle
17 April 2012

Swedish laws impede HIV prevention methods

Editor's pick
Radio Sweden
10 April 2012

HIV ruling 'over the top' - Aids Foundation

Editor's pick
Radio New Zealand
12 March 2012

Was HIV-infected girl harmed or helped by the state?

Editor's pick
Calgary Herald
25 February 2012

The Oslo Declaration on HIV Criminalisation

Editor's pick
22 February 2012